Q. Does my co-founder or entire team need to participate?

A: One co-founder should serve as the point person and commit to attending all classes, mentor meetings and events. If other co-founder(s) can join for some meetings, it is helpful but not required. For the initial interview, it is ideal if all founders are present if possible.

Q. How do I know if I am a good fit?

A: You are a good fit for The BOBKC Accelerator if you can answer yes to these questions! Are you looking to launch a business or move your business forward? Are you interested in practical, hands-on learning and coaching with a group of other entrepreneurs like you? Are you open to constructive criticism to benefit

Q. Can I really win money?

A: Yes. Anyone who pitches is eligible to win some cash money. The judges will award three cash prizes while the audience votes on who will get the fourth cash prize.

Q. Who are the Judges?

A: BOBKC judges come from all industries and are considered leaders in the local community. Their job is to provide all pitchers with valuable feedback about how they can move their business forward but they also decide who wins prize money.

Q. Who Provides Feedback?

A: All applicants will receive feedback from BOBKC volunteers who review each application and help the BOBKC staff make participant decisions. Those who pitch at the event will also receive real-time feedback from onsite judges.

Q. What do I say in my pitch?

A: With only 2.5 minutes to present an idea, entrepreneurs need to keep their pitch high-level and concise. BOBKC hosts free Pitch Contest workshops to help entrepreneurs prepare for their pitch presentation. As each pitch is only 2.5 minutes, it is important to know what judges are (and are not) looking for you to cover

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